ICT4USD | TIRes_01
- Scope Understanding the potential of Digitalization and ICT in general for Urban Sustainable Development
- Description Insight into the role – potential and limitations – of ICT for Urban Development. Understanding the risks of Digital Divide. Excluded: Market Potential in € or $.
- Planning Sept 2018 – Jan 2019
- Outcome Research Paper, Conference Material, Blogs. Consulting Material. Book potential
- Lead Thomas Osburg
Urban Digital Divide | TIRes_02
- Scope What do we need to do to avoid stupid people in smart cities?
- Description A
- Outcome A
- Planning A
- Lead Thomas Osburg
Trends | TIRes_03
- Scope A
- Description A
- Outcome A
- Planning A
- Lead Franz Wenzel
ICT4SDG | TIRes_04
- Scope Understanding the potential of Digitalization for SDG achievement
- Description Companies are focussing on digitalization. They also prioritize which SDGs they mainly support. This research will try to research if the potential of digitalization for SDG depends on the companies focus in digitalization and SDG priorities. This research is focused on the top 30 companies in Germany, Europe, USA. More countries (Israel, Russia,…) can be added.
- Outcome Research Paper, Conference Material, Blogs. Book potential
- Planning Sep 2018 – Feb 2019
- Lead
Skills| TIRes_05
- Scope What are the new skills needed in a Digital World? Does it replace the 21st Century Skills?
- Description A
- Outcome A
- Planning A
- Lead Thomas Osburg
Upscale Sufficiency | TIRes_06 >>
- Scope A
- Description A
- Outcome A
- Planning A
- Lead Franz Wenzel
- More here >>
Lifestyles and Sustainability | TIRes_07
- Scopes Understanding the Relevance of Sustainability for emerging New Lifestyles
- Desription Based on the research by K.Klug, who identified six current and relevant new lifestyles, this research examines the relvance of sustainability for each lifestyle group. It will this give clear guidance to companies on how to structure and communicate their sustainability efforts
- Outcome (White) Papers, Conference Proceedings, Company Consultancy potential
- Planning Nov 2018 – Mar 2019
- Lead Katharina Klug, Franz Wenzel, Thomas Osburg
Environment & Community | TIRes_08
- Scope S
- Description S
- Outcome S
- Planning Jan 2019 – Jun 2019
- Lead Prof. Dr. Martin Kreeb
Urban Real Estate | TIRes_09
- Scope A
- Description A
- Outcome A
- Planning A
- Lead Franz Wenzel
Humans and Machines | TIRes_10
- Scope A
- Description While technology is important, it isn’t what drives a digital transformation. It’s the humans behind the machines that make the difference – how they work together, and how they serve customers. Companies that are successful in the digital age develop strategies from the outside in, based on what customers need, want and care about (Source: Prophet >>)
- Outcome A
- Planning A
- Ressource
- Lead Thomas Osburg
Sectorial Approach to Sustainability | TIRes_11
- Scope How do different industry sectors approach sustainability? How does it impact business models? How can they learn from each other?
- Description A
- Outcome A
- Planning A
- Lead Thomas Osburg
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